Friday, December 12, 2008

Bour Tlog

Just played in Chapel Hill at the nightlight last night. They took out all the books which makes the space feel a little bare but more conducive to rock shows. We started off the evening with comfortable shoes on and a few technical difficulties-quickly threw those aside and yelled into the microphone. I felt the need to be a little more punk than normally and plus I could not hear my voice. good show, some weird jams that ensued after the songs. don't know how those really felt maybe a little contrived. Nighlight was more like our primer for tonight, hopefully.

Friday, October 24, 2008

If Michael Jordan slam dunks in the woods does anybody see it?

Last weekend at the Boot in Norfolk, VA my fingers nearly exploded during the first song. We had just finished Caught Myself in a Coy Trap (which I play without a pick) and I looked down to see that the guitar and my hand were both covered in blood. It's funny becuase during the song I didn't notice even the slightest bit of pain but once it stopped a throbbing intensity rushed through my arm. "uh, ow?" I said to myself. Fortunately bleeding is kinda like seeing someone naked so once the initial shock was gone there was nothing left to hide and we just rocked the rest of the evening.

There are a few more videos on youtube.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

it's easier to belittle someone else's life

I received a phone call the other night. It's not that unusual. It was about three A.M. Parker and I were settling into our respective sleeping bags at Miles' house in Columbus, OH, when I start vibrating. Immediately excited and curious about who this mystery caller could be at this gnarly hour, I shake off my bag and search my pockets for the phone. "hmmm...I have never seen this number before" so I decided to not answer it and if it is really important they will leave a message. Two minutes later: "I guess it must be important..."
...and boy is it ever! albeit not to me but I guess "Morgan" probably would like to know that he has a restraining order on him. "Megan's Dad" seems pretty insistent about keeping these two (lovers?) apart. I speculate either Megan is 13 and Morgan has been buying her beer or Megan is 14 and Morgan is her "Baby Daddy" to be. either way the two will not be seeing each other anytime soon.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I recently watched a television program on the infamous sasquatch. The show was a factual based program listing concrete evidence of Big foots existence. Interestingly enough the sasquatch possesses an extremely odd, knock kneed, gait which is a defining and recurring trait, consistent in several sightings. Another is the creatures uncanny speed which has been assessed by studying footage and reenacting it with a professional marathon runner. Most all of the evidence though comes from footprints and the detail within it.

This creature might as well exist for all the theory they have developed behind it. let's hope not...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

home of the browns and steamers

cooking food gives great pleasure. playing with ska bands is unavoidable. Cleveland is a spiral turning inwards. snow is a wary companion. driving is an arduous task.

now with all these constants the problem is easy to deduce. maybe I will be in VA tomorrow...

also, anyone can be an artist